% 1 - ορισμός. Τι είναι το compilation
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Τι (ποιος) είναι compilation - ορισμός

A compilation is a book, CD, or programme that contains many different items that have been gathered together, usually ones which have already appeared in other places.
His latest album release is a compilation of his jazz works over the past decade.
= collection
see also compile
Compiling, selecting and combining, selection and combination (of literary matter), book-making.
Selection (of literary matter), book of selections, or excerpts or extracts.
·noun The act or process of compiling or gathering together from various sources.
II. Compilation ·noun That which is compiled; especially, a book or document composed of materials gathering from other books or documents.


Compilation may refer to:
Παραδείγματα προφοράς για compilation
1. fighting X86 compilation back then.
A History of The ARM Microprocessor _ Dave Jaggar _ Talks at Google
2. notes of a compilation CD by Hawkins
Screamin' Jay Hawkin's All-Time Greatest Hits _ Mark Binelli _ Talks at Google
3. which is a compilation of about 50
San Francisco Chef's Table _ Bill Corbett & Carolyn Jung _ Talks Google
4. shows a very beautiful compilation of studies
5. This is a compilation of about 54
San Francisco Chefs Table _ Matthew Accarrino _ Talks Google
Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για compilation
1. Last November, his compilation set, "The Ultimate Hits," was released.
2. This piece is a compilation of reports by the trainees.
3. This story is a compilation of reports by the trainees.
4. The OSCE Human Dimension Commitments are available at the OSCE Web site in both a Thematic Compilation (PDF, 287 pages) and a Chronological Compilation.
5. This story is a compilation of reports from participants.